Saturday, October 19, 2013

First Big Middle School Project

Sophia was excited to work on her first big project for middle school - timeline 11 years before she was born and 11 years after her birth.  It required research of events such as scientific, literary, educational, arts, personal (and a few more) - one before her birth & one after.  Thank goodness for the internet!!  She typed them up, used clip art & glued them all on.  And when she was all done, a big sigh of relief!  Final product looked just waiting on the grade.....I think it will earn her 100%.


  1. Looks great, lots of hard work I'm sure, bet your thrilled its done.

  2. Way to go Sophia!!! Looks like it is an A+ project. I can't wait to see it when we come to see you in January. Please be sure to save it for us to look at.

    Kiki and Nate

  3. That looks like a really cool project! Good job Sophia!

  4. you are so creative! and doesnt time pass quickly! we always love to see your hard work! love ya babe...gram&pops
