Thursday, October 17, 2013

Fall Conferences for Abby

Our fall conference for Abby's class was Wednesday afternoon.  How elated we were to learn how well she is doing.  The Dibels assessment score - off the charts, according to Mrs. Lingle.  Way to go Ab!  I was not surprised about her reading level being above what is required at this time, but her!  They have a new curriculum and with math do not send any homework home, rather just focus on teaching it in class.  So, to see she has scored 100 makes us so happy!  Her teacher is delighted to have Abby in her class.  It is nice to hear such compliments from someone that has just gotten to know Abby.  

We are so proud of you Abigail!!  Keep up the great work, you are learning lots and expanding your world. 


  1. That's outstanding! Way to go, Ab!!!! :)

  2. Wow! Way to go Miss Abigail! Excellent!! :)

  3. Super duper Abigail Mae!!! We always knew you were so smart, but to see it on paper makes us really happy and proud of you. Also, knowing that you are so helpful to other brings a big smile to our faces.

    Kiki and Nate

  4. Yea Abby! We are all so proud of you. Keep up the good work! Miss ya darlin! Soon you and Gabi will be writing letters to each other.

  5. you are such a good student but better than that you are such a NICE girl! we love you with all our hearts...Gramma &pops
