Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Summer Reading Goal

The girls have a goal this summer......reading the entire My Book of Bible Stories.  There are 116 stories, so divided over 13 weeks they are off for summer break, it is just under 9 stories a week.  They both have really taken on the challenge and remind each other.  After they read, I'll have them tell me something they learned.  We are really proud of their setting a goal and sticking to it!!    

They set up a little house in the front yard

I snuck up on them and found them reading

A variety of books

Aren't they cute??!!

Each with their own book - Grandma Terry
ordered them when they were born and had their
name engraved in special!

Reading in the sunporch too!!


  1. Way to go girls!!! At pioneer service school these past two weeks a big reminder was how important spending time with Jehovah through daily bible reading is and you are starting it with daily Bible story reading:)!!!
    Kiki and Nate
