Thursday, May 9, 2013

Circuit Assembly 2013

Last weekend was our Circuit Assembly.  This was our 1st year meeting at the assembly hall.  It was beautiful and so comfortable!  We truly enjoyed the program, the encouragement and of course the association......nothing like it!  Check out the digs......

Abigail & Sophia

Aren't they so cute??!!

Our Fam

In the lobby area, waterfall with lots of plants

Eating area with display cases showing the history

It was very large!  Plenty of room

Mom & Mick in the auditorium

Aliah, Sophia & Mikaela

Morgan, Asia, Celeste, Sophia, Kaitlyn & Megan

Melissa & Ryan

Us girls

View of the auditorium from the rear

Asia, China & Sophia

Noa, Abby & Graycen

Pops's part - screens on both sides of the stage

Another pic

Aubrey & Abigail

Outdoor eating area - rainy that day, so we didn't use

As we were taking the pic, more kids joined in
Many we didn't even know by name......cute!

Sophia & her buddy Aiden

Grandma & Pops

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely learning environment! Everyone looks so nice. Great to see so many happy little ones there with their families.
