Wednesday, May 22, 2013

5th Grade Awards Ceremony

This is the final week of school for the year.  Can't believe it!  We are all ready for summer though, bring it on.  Tuesday was the 5th Grade Awards Ceremony.  Sophia's last time in elementary!  Some of the awards she received were A-B Honor Roll, Presidential Silver Award, Citizenship and Accelerated Reading.  FABULOUS!

The program went very well.  Sophia had a part and did wonderfully.  It was a little lengthy, so the video is too large to post on the blog.  

We are so proud of your accomplishments Sophia during fifth grade!  Now on to middle school and the adventures that will hold!

Ab & Soph

Me & Sophia before school
The Program

Backside of Program

Sophia's reading part

Cake with friends

Her packet of awards

More friends


  1. She is growing up so fast! She is beautiful (inside and out), just like her Mom!!! :)

  2. Oh my goodness! Watching that video, all I can think is that there is no way Sophia is that grown up already. Up there shaking hands and getting awards and graduating from elementary school????? This is nuts! Not that little smiley baby that loved to watch the Price is Right anymore :) I'm so proud of you Soph, and wish I could've been there to see all of your hard work pay off. Love and miss you guys so much!

  3. Congratulations Sophia for all your hard work!! You and Noah are now 6th Graders! Hard to believe!! Way to go! :)
