Thursday, May 30, 2013

5th Grade Field Day

Sophia's Field Day went great!  All had fun and I was glad to be there for the afternoon.  They competed as classes, making teamwork the key.  Her class won many of the events when I was there.  I was really proud of them all and the teachers for participating too!
(I forgot my nice camera, so the following are a product of my phone, which isn't the greatest.)

Now on to middle!!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Kindergarten Field Day 2013

Kindergarten Field Day was jam-packed with activities!  I was able to be there for the afternoon (it's an all day event) and it was so cute to see all the little ones so excited.  Abby's class won at tug-of-war as well as the water game that resulted in Mrs. Surratte being doused with the bucket of water.  It was very hot and humid, so it was welcome.  Fun day all around!  

Chillin on their towels between events

Abby's class is in the blue

Hurry up Mom and take the picture!!

Aspen, Sydney & Abigail - buddies!!!

The teachers demo'd this one!  

Notice on the right, one of the teachers fell down
from spinning too much!  She is OK, so we can laugh.

Abby's turn


Look at their form!!

They were determined!

Kindergarten teachers turn against 1st grade teachers
Kindergarten won!!!!

Owen & Abby enjoyed an ice cream treat at the end

Thursday, May 23, 2013

JR Flooring, LLC's New Office


Josh finally got a replacement for Blackie, which had over 266,000 miles and was sold last Saturday.  After searching for months, this one appeared on-line this morning.  We knew this was it; 2008, low miles (35,000), new tires and excellent condition.  It was one-owner - older man who traded it in at the dealer (that he bought it at) for a brand-spanking new truck.  He ordered it with upgrades (running boards, tow package, special racking inside) at the end of the year 2007 for his hobby of fishing.  It is perfect for Josh's business!!!  We researched the pricing on NADA & KBB and confirmed it was priced below market value.  After a test drive and a little negotiating, we closed the deal!!!  

What a more worrying about major vehicle repairs for him.  Soon he'll have lettering put on the van (thanks to his good friend Glenn).   

Happy Josh!!!

Not sure if all the racking and such will stay depending
on how tools, carpet, pad, etc will fit

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

5th Grade Awards Ceremony

This is the final week of school for the year.  Can't believe it!  We are all ready for summer though, bring it on.  Tuesday was the 5th Grade Awards Ceremony.  Sophia's last time in elementary!  Some of the awards she received were A-B Honor Roll, Presidential Silver Award, Citizenship and Accelerated Reading.  FABULOUS!

The program went very well.  Sophia had a part and did wonderfully.  It was a little lengthy, so the video is too large to post on the blog.  

We are so proud of your accomplishments Sophia during fifth grade!  Now on to middle school and the adventures that will hold!

Ab & Soph

Me & Sophia before school
The Program

Backside of Program

Sophia's reading part

Cake with friends

Her packet of awards

More friends

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Kindergarten Story

Mrs. Surratte (Abigail's teacher) sent the link below.  It is a story created by the "Blue Group" (Abby's reading group) via StoryKit iPhone application.  So cute!!!  Listen for Ab's can hear her in the group voices as well as individually "You get to read lots of books!" (click on the yellow megaphone in each box).

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Backyard Progress

We've been busy working in the back yard.  It was so neglected (as most everything with this property).  It is fun to look back at what it was!  


African Daisies, Columbine, Purple Fountain Grass

View from the deck

Gross, blah, can't wait to change.....

Granted it was winter, but again neglected

Before: we moved the swing out of that area and knew the
robin's egg blue HAD to go
After - painted white, next up; cushions - it is 6 ft long
so will be getting three colorful cushions
Bought veggies for our garden!

Sophia & I planted
After: view from the deck - fire pit and veggie garden
Not entirely completed yet, but wanted to share so far
Going to mulch or rock the open area and put some
perennials in the corners 

Congo Picnic

A few weeks back, our congregation got together for a picnic.  It was cool & windy, but sunny.  Tons of food and lots of great company.  We really enjoy our new "family" in NC!!

Golf cart rides

The guys with the big cooker
Bike rider Ab

Even the adults got in on the hula hooping

Guys playing some ball

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Circuit Assembly 2013

Last weekend was our Circuit Assembly.  This was our 1st year meeting at the assembly hall.  It was beautiful and so comfortable!  We truly enjoyed the program, the encouragement and of course the association......nothing like it!  Check out the digs......

Abigail & Sophia

Aren't they so cute??!!

Our Fam

In the lobby area, waterfall with lots of plants

Eating area with display cases showing the history

It was very large!  Plenty of room

Mom & Mick in the auditorium

Aliah, Sophia & Mikaela

Morgan, Asia, Celeste, Sophia, Kaitlyn & Megan

Melissa & Ryan

Us girls

View of the auditorium from the rear

Asia, China & Sophia

Noa, Abby & Graycen

Pops's part - screens on both sides of the stage

Another pic

Aubrey & Abigail

Outdoor eating area - rainy that day, so we didn't use

As we were taking the pic, more kids joined in
Many we didn't even know by name......cute!

Sophia & her buddy Aiden

Grandma & Pops