Thursday, February 28, 2013

Craft Afternoon - Thank You's

Sunday afternoon we were invited to craft time @ Valentine's - making thank you cards for all the elders and ministerial servants in our congregation.  It was a great idea (thanks Liz for arranging)!!  Each child made 11 cards - depending on their ages & ability they wrote a message of something they appreciated about each brother and his wife.  Then they decorated the card with stickers.  Each brother had a box and the cards were placed in their specific box.  It was then delivered that evening to each brother.  The children felt so good showing their appreciation!  It made us parents proud of them as well.  After, the kids played and of course we visited, laughed and enjoyed being together.  Our congregation is great about that!!!!

Thank you Benicia & Liz for hosting & coordinating!!!!

Ab & Sophia

Celeste & Asia

Some of the moms (and some dads too)

Sarah helping Noa & Ajeh

Susan cutting paper

Logan & Tara

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea!! Fun to make and heartwarming for the recipients!
