Thursday, July 11, 2013

Two Years Today

Today marks two years that we have been living in North Carolina!  In many ways, it feels like we've always been here - in our routine and comfy in our home.  We've made so many friends and are a part of a wonderful congregation.  No doubt, we are happy with our move!!!

On the other hand, it feels like we are away from "home".  We think of all our friends back in Minnesota and wish we could continue to make memories with them.  The biggest miss for us is our family!  Since we are so close-knit, sometimes it is really difficult.  I'm thankful that we continue to remain close and can build each other up, even though we are MANY miles apart.

We've all changed our looks over the past two years (well, not really true about Josh), but check out the pictures below.  Abby was just a toddler when we left and Sophia, a sweet little girl.        

July 2011

June 2013


  1. Amazing how time flies! Thank goodness for your blog which keeps us up-to-date on events in your life and especially our dear little nieces who are truly growing up to be beautiful young ladies. Thank goodness too for e-mail and texting but I'm always glad for a good old phone call -- I think there is nothing like hearing voices -- it then feels like we're still only 6 houses away from each other and that soon the girls will round the corner on their bikes to pick out a bouquet for their mom from the flower gardens they helped us plant -- such good memories.

    Love to you 4,

  2. Wow! 2 years since helping you packing the truck. Time flies. We miss you lots. Nice keeping up electronically and phone. Not quite the same as the beach hang outs. Glad everything has worked out so well for you. Fun to see how the kids are growing and maturing. Let us know if you get up here for a visit!

  3. Look how much you girls have changed! Miss you guys so much! But so glad everything's going so well in your new home. Every Convention we've had since I think about how you guys moved the following week.
