Wednesday, March 20, 2013

6 Year Old Cutie

This girl cracks us up!  She is adorable, funny, says the cutest things (lately it's "as well" at the end of many comments).  Her proper English is really cool!  

Her reading is AMAZING!  She is now on level H, which is beyond where she needs to be by the end of the school year.  Only 5 (out of 19) in her class (including her) are at this point.  The newest part is Accelerated Reading (AR) points.  It helps them develop reading comprehension - she reads a book (not a simple book either) to us and then the next day takes a test on the computer - it asks questions about the story with multiple choice responses.  So far she is 100% all the way!!  

Daddy & Abby

6 year old Cutie


  1. Dearest Abigail Mae:
    Where is the little baby I used to get to some Fridays -- walking the neighbor, sleeping in Kiki's garden and cuddling? You have grown up -- so tall and beautiful and smart and witty:).

    We love you,
    Kiki and Nate

  2. Where IS that "little"? You crack us up too! You have a very unique sense of humor that you don't even know you have! You make us laugh! But we DO love the words you use. You must be a very good listener! Come read me a story, please. Love to you and your big sister....Gramma and Pops

  3. She's looking so grown up! That's awesome she loves reading and is doing so well, go Abby! :) -Madie
